Tag Archives: beauty

Thank you for looking

5 Nov

‘She was complex, if that could be a word used to describe her. She was a mess, a leaf blown about in an autumn breeze, scarcely holding onto a branch, her only bond to sanity. That was exactly what they saw, for people have forgotten how to see. But where they saw weakness I saw a fire. A fire that could burn a forest in a breath. Where they saw a leaf hanging from a branch, I saw a wild wind blowing. She was in that moment a light that made the darkness a little bit brighter. She was the girl with eyes that twinkled like the stars in the heavens. She was the beating heart that drew the tides to shore. She was complex, she was the girl who could smile through her tears and dance in hope when all the world only said despair.’

How many times do we choose to look just a little deeper into someones lives and seek the hidden and the most raw bits of their core. I have this theory that even the most guarded will let their guard down in real moments. Do we care enough to wait for that rawness?

How utterly selfish I’ve been lately to ignore the tugging at my heart to check up with a friend instead of spend days thinking about how to battle my problems. How easy it has been for me to forget what truly humbles me and makes me happy. How conveniently I tend to let this recur. Now, this isn’t a Tian bashing episode. But it does take moments of being accidentally shallow to really get me to swim back to the depth that is an incurable part of my personality.

And sometimes, it takes a friend to bring you back there. It takes eyes that have chosen to see beyond the dirt of your struggles. It takes a hopeful heart to remind you that behind the filth of actions and reactions, there is a wide eyed child still dreaming and wishing and wanting. It takes a double take of concern or even a slight pat on the head to show you that someone gives a damn. And no, as much as I am an advocate of choosing happiness , I do not think it is a display of weakness to sometimes want some validation from someone that matters.

So thank you, everyone who has chosen to look beyond, to everyone who has acted on an urge to hug, to everyone who has prayed silently for someone, to everyone who has hurt for a friend, to everyone who has not forgotten the person that brightened up your day when you needed it, to everyone to dares to look.

The world is a better place because of you

Thank you for looking 🙂

Let’s believe in love

11 May

If you haven’t already liked the Humans Of New York page on facebook do it now! A friend of mine told me about this page about a year ago and I can vouch for the happiness,compassion and humility this page brings to so many, just like it does to me! Today I read bout a girl’s story of her parents. It was one that was so surreal, and straight out of the movie Serendipity! So, slipping into the role of a virtual stalker, I decided to sneak into the social media version of their current lives. I could only get so close to knowing them right? I’d like to say though, that what I found through those page was such happiness. 30-40 years since their beautiful meeting and kid’s and pets later, they were still so visibly in love:D Their children proud and their youth untouched, what is life if not to be that happy? 😀

So, let’s believe in this human race despite everything that’s going wrong in the world. Let’s believe in our youth and the youthfulness of many older people around. Let’s believe that there’s beauty hidden in every child and mother with tear streaked cheeks and broken hearts. Let’s believe in  stories – stories of hope, love, happiness and stolen kisses. Let’s believe that we have much to live for. Because we do. Let’s believe that for everything that sucks right now, there is that one thing that doesn’t.

Let’s believe in love again?



Pretty as a plum

27 Jan

So, a few weeks ago I got bitten by this fat juicy beetle that injected in me this irresistible desire that I must at any cost have purple hair. Iv known these symptoms before and I’ve given into them before. I thought I was done with purple after I managed a pink and purple dip dye sometime last year, but nope! I thought extensions would work, considering I got green coontail extensions in august last year so Ii went ahead and got pretty plum extensions! Lookkk!

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Alas! It looked this cute for a measly 1 week!. Since my hairs wavy and occasionally curly I had to straighten it everytime I washed it for the extensions to blend in. I loved the way it looked. Kind of made the Emo Punk in me half smile.  Sadly though, all the straightening made the synthetic hair stick together making it look like glossy purple ribbons in my hair. Some of you might like that but I prefer natural looking hair so off came the extensions! The symptoms I suffered from however, did not die so easy. So I dug out some old hair colour packets from my last dip dye stint and some bleach and went the dip dye way again.Loook!

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This I loved!. Lasts longer too. Who doesn’t like that eheh. Its been a month now and the color has gone from a pretty plum, to a bright red and now its sort of reaching the orange stage, after which I will either go all black or dip my hair into some whimsical color again!

I feel artsy today, Think I’m going to get started with all the art work ive promised my friends. I shall come back again with pictures! Unless of course Ii randomly get deep and feel the need for some ranting! either way Ill be back soon!
